Students are given the opportunity to enter state and national competitions in Maths, English, Science and Writing. Teachers promote these and many students participate with enthusiasm.
Sessional teachers offer individual tuition to students in singing and a variety of instruments that are held in half hour blocks during the school day.
For more information contact:
Margaret Lewis (Piano only) Email: Lewis.family5
Wonnies (all instruments) or Ph 9812 2568
A sequential camping program is in operation. The program provides children with the following opportunities:
The program aims to provide children with experiences in different environments and activities that aid social and physical development encouraging responsibility and independence.
Excursions are arranged for all children and are carefully planned so that they enhance and enrich the learning programs provided by the teacher.
On Tuesday mornings, at 8am, a dedicated group of 5-10 staff and about eighty students from years 3-6 participate in the now legendary APPS Running Club. In all kinds of weather, students run on our back oval, in Antonio Park, through the bushland adjacent to Antonio Park and in the hall. Students keep track of their fitness and running capacity, and work on running style and speed.
© 2024 Antonio Park Primary School